Technical Requirements and Support

Schools will provide the hardware, software and other equipment needed by students in virtual learning classes. See the state ACCESS Virtual Learning website for more information and a complete list of recommended equipment and software specifications.

The local school will also provide technology support for equipment and ensure that software required in ACCESS courses is available to students. Counselors will notify the ACCESS technology coordinator of any needed software as listed in the ACCESS course descriptions found under the Courses →  Web-Based Courses Resource List on the state ACCESS Virtual Learning website.

Computer Access

To participate in ACCESS Virtual Learning web-based courses, all students must have regular and consistent access to a computer with reliable internet service during the school day (“consistent access” is defined as a class period – no less than 90 minutes per day for a block course, and 55 minutes per day for a traditional semester course). Headphones with microphones are highly suggested. Some courses may require work to be done at home, just like face-to-face courses. If a student does not have a home computer, please notify the web-based teacher and check with your public library.

ACCESS Virtual Learning Schoology Account

Students will receive an ACCESS Virtual Learning Schoology account from their school counselor upon successful course enrollment. Schoology Messaging is the primary form of communication between student and teacher.