

Welcome to the world of virtual learning with ACCESS (Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators, and Students Statewide). With a vision for providing equal access to high quality instruction and a wide range of course options, ACCESS is providing additional educational opportunities for students throughout Alabama. We are pleased that you have chosen to join the increasing number of students in Alabama who are participating in the ACCESS program – taking courses through ACCESS that may not be available at your local school.

Student Role

Personal characteristics and actions will influence your success as a virtual learning student. In general, to be successful in an online environment, you will need to be able to learn independently, use a computer efficiently and communicate effectively. You should also be interested in the concept of online learning and willing to ask for help and share problems and/or concerns with others. We encourage you to work hard, maintain a pace that will allow you to complete your assignments on time and communicate daily with your ACCESS teacher. Personal characteristics and actions such as these will not only provide you with a rewarding classroom experience, but will also enable you to be successful in the online.